Thursday, March 22, 2012

Opening Up . . .

I know I have been M.I.A. and I've been meaning to do something about that, but what had happened was . . . uh . . .see . . . cause I meant to be like  . . . oh hell I don't know! I was just feeling so overwhelmed and so blah.  Then I was summoned for jury duty and was actually picked for the trial and that just zapped what little bit I did have.  I've been wanting to write about my jury duty experience--and probably will next week--but I've just been feeling so blocked.  Then I decided to get my butt up and out of my funk and started taking advantage of this pre-summer here in Chicago.  I've been walking and doing my yoga and it's really helped me to wake up.  Now I have so much I want to say I can't get it all down.  So I decided to try my hand at this whole video logging or vlogging thing.  This is my first attempt so be real extra gen-teel with your criticisms cause like Erykah Badu, I'm an artist, and I'm sensitive about my--shut yo mouth! I'm just talking about me baby!  See I'm feeling better already!