Friday, September 7, 2012

Oh What We Do With the Stories We Tell

Happy Friday all you guys and gals!  I'm back with another one!  Today's post has been inspired by moi.  I don't know what it is, but lately, I haven't been observing anyone other than me.  But that's a good thing because I'm getting to know myself in ways I never knew before.  So any ole way, I hope you  not only enjoy this one, but that you share this with others (if you feel so inclined to).  Whatever resonates with you, take it (in my Diddy voice) Take that, take that, take that!  And whatever doesn't, leave it be.

So it's a beautiful day, it's the weekend, so go out and enjoy it.  After you watch this and share it that is! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Course in Me

Life is nothing put a perpetual state of constant change.  That was a hard concept for me to grasp.  I was one of those who felt my sole purpose was to be comfortable so that I could attain a blissful state of peace and joy.  It has only been the last 5 years that have helped me to see that the real peace is obtained in the midst of the chaos.  Furthermore, if I’m truly living the adventurous life sure to yield all kinds of benefits, there will be chaos—and lots of it.  I’m getting to the space where I’m ok with that. 

There’s something about this time of year—that shift into autumn—that prompts me to become even more introspective than I already am.  I become really attuned into my spirit and what my soul really needs and is yearning for.  I must really be on to something because it’s not quite autumn and this is already happening to me.  I’ve recently begun reading A Course in Miracles, and already it has been a fascinating dive into the depths of my spirit and life.  It is bringing up some pretty heavy stuff for me.  The really awesome thing about where I am in my life journey now is that I am in a space where I can appreciate the heaviness without freaking out (well not entirely).  I can take the necessary steps to get still and figure out what I need to do.  So far, I’ve realized that I really need to walk in my own power, and that I need to release some unhealthy things:  my inability to nurture myself, my doubt and fear, and the emotional vampires I have allowed to suck my energy and love. 

Somewhere along this path, I learned; or decided that I was not worthy.  I learned that I didn’t have any right whatsoever to demand what I want, to say “No”, to remove myself from toxic situations or people, or even have the audacity to believe I was worth more than what was given me.  This kind of faulty thinking has led me to learn to believe that people are not trustworthy—especially my own self, and that I am to avoid being vulnerable at all costs.  I am generally ok with appearing vulnerable without having to actually BE vulnerable.  I have no problems sharing my history because it’s just that:  history.  I can share how I have been suicidal, how I’ve endured the psychological trauma of having an abortion, endured a dysfunctional marriage, experienced post partum depression because it’s all in my past.  I am no longer  in those spaces.  What I am not very well equipped at is sharing my feelings and thoughts as I am going through the motions.  Up until now, it’s been an unconscious choice.  So I typically sought out relationships with emotionally unavailable people in order to maintain a safe emotional distance.  This way, I could give my “all” without really exposing myself.  I could share just enough of myself without having to risk the whole kit and caboodle.  And then, when the individual inevitably betrayed me or let me down, I could stick with my old trusty thought process of See, people just are not trustworthy.  If you give them a chance, they will let you down.  

What I never realized is that I am the only one who let myself down.  My failure to trust others was simply a mirror of my own feelings about myself.  I have never trusted myself! Since I didn’t trust myself, I didn’t trust my own judgment when it came to others. That’s why I so often ignored those gut warnings about my ex husband.  That’s why I so often made excuses for my mother.  That’s why I would get so defensive when someone would issue a loving warning to me.  My assumption is that they were telling me I was stupid or didn’t know any better because that’s what I secretly thought about myself.  

When I was 21, I made a startling revelation about myself.  I was an extremely judgmental person.  I would judge any and everyone about anything.  If you didn’t fit into the box that I put you in, you got judged.  And I know you’re thinking, “Well who asked you to put me in a box?” Well I’m glad you asked; now I can tell you.  No one had to ask.  It was a completely rhetorical question that my over achieving behind was more than happy to answer.  And by the way, you got judged for not even recognizing that you should have been in the box.  What I was able to recognize was that I was so judgmental with others because I was extremely judgmental against my own self.  To say I was harsh on myself is a gross understatement.  Fortunately, I was able to lovingly correct the error of my ways, but only as it pertained to other people.  I learned how to give empathy, understanding, compassion, and care.  I learned to live and let live.  Sadly, I have been unable to lend the same care that I readily dispense to others upon myself.  I am a nurturer.  I will love on and nurture, and build everyone around me.  Yet, I’ll look at myself and tear me down like a lumberjack jacks trees.  It’s a pity because I am only now recognizing that I am, and have been denying the entire world the beauty that is Je’Niece.  And I don’t say that with a shred of arrogance.  It is the truth.  The world is waiting for each of us to deliver that thing that only we can create.  I was created for a purpose.  I believe in an all loving, perfect Creator and I know my Creator doesn’t create junk.  So to discard myself and deem myself junk is not only personal affront against my own self, but a total act of dissent against my Divine Creator.  For that I am truly sorry. 

I want to be in the space where I can bring healing to the world.  It is my wish that I help to bring healing to anyone with whom I share space and exchange energy.  What I also now know is that before I can into the world and share my gift, I must bring healing to myself.  I must continue to stand courageously in front of the mirror and face all the things about me.  I must release fear, negativity, and my downright stinking thinking and heal all the wounded parts of me.  I must love myself—all of me: the 3 year-old in me, the 16 year-old in me, the 80 year-old in me, and most especially, the present day 34 year-old me.  I want my cup to be so full that it overflows beyond my reach. Then I will never have to dip into the reservoir of my cup to give.  My giving will always come from abundance and never from lack.  When I reach this place of healing, only then can I truly experience the peace and joy I truly long for, and help others do the same.