Friday, June 1, 2012

Love Don't Love Nobody . . . Or Does It?

Happy, Happy Friday to you! And Happy 1st Day of June!  Not sure if that really means anything, but for a lot of us it's a sign that summer is right around the corner so that seems like cause for celebration.  An-t-way . . .  I don't know where you are, but here in the Windy City known as Chicago, it's kind of cool and dreary.  It's been raining for the past 2 days and for this little ole insomniac right here, this is nothing but the perfect sleeping weather.  Yet for some strange reason, sleep keeps eluding me.  Yawn.  Oh well, what's a girl to do?  Once upon a time, when I would find myself suffering from insomnia, I would be pretty damn depressed and cranky.  Now because I consider y'all family, I'll admit to you that I am just a wee bit cranky, but gratefully, I'm not depressed.  Oddly enough, instead of feeling depressed, I feel especially grateful.  I'm even more aware of all the good things that I have going in my life.  And for me, one of the--if not the greatest--things I have in my life is Love.  I was once a girl who focused so much on the Love I felt I wasn't getting, that it caused me to miss out on the Love that was already there.  I have since matured and learned that you can't get what you are not giving.  I wasn't even Loving myself, so how in the heck could I expect anyone else to Love me?  Glad you asked, makes it easy for me to give you the answer without seeming presumptuous.  Well the simple truth is that I couldn't.  So I was just this sad, lonely, depressing little thing attracting no good ninjas into my hemisphere, allowing them to hurt me (and repeatedly at that); then lamenting over my sorrows; talking about how I hated Love cause Love hated me.  And guess what?  Love didn't hate me!  Never did, never will.  It was I who hated myself.  So I just kept inviting other folks into my space to treat me the way I thought I deserved to be treated.  And guess what?  It wasn't them either!  It was all me!  How do you like them apples?  (I prefer mine stewed, but that's another topic).  Now that I get that School House Rock lesson, all those ninjas who didn't mean me any good have dissipated and a greater batch of Love warriors have entered my plane.  And like Tony, Toni, Tone sang some years ago, it feels good!

So that's my share for the day.  And it ties into what today's video is about.  Love is surrounding you every moment of every day of your life.  If you get hurt by someone, please understand that it wasn't Love who did it to you, it was just another soul wandering this human plane trying to figure things out just as you.  Just loose that person and go on with the business of loving yourself so you can receive the Love you know you want.  So what say you?  Do you have a love or hate relationship with Love? Have you been badly hurt and now you're like poor little Bobby from the Wedding Singer wrecking other folks receptions singing "Love Stinks"?  Tell me all about it, cause you know, sharing is caring.


  1. Je'Niece, I couldn't have said that statement any better to get that point across. Keep on have a gift!

    1. Thanks Nisey! I really just say what I need to hear myself. Glad it resonates with other people.
