Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just a Few Questions

*So I wrote this blog on Sunday to post on yesterday. But in my haste and excitement, I forgot to post it. Since I'm working on my post about my Oprah's Lifeclass experience now, I'll just let you read this one today*

I am so super duper excited! This is turning out to be an excellent week already!  Yesterday, I went to one of my favorite metaphysical stores and had my aura photographed.  It was such a cool experience.  You place your hand on a measuring device and that device reads you.  The reading device is hooked up to a computer and it is able to show you your entire aura—chakras, and all.  It was such an interesting experience, and I learned a lot.  I’m looking forward to doing some more work and going back in a few months to see the difference.  Now today I’m on my way to Harpo studios to attend a live taping of Oprah’s Lifeclass!  I am expecting to walk away a changed woman, meaning I will learn something new, gain a new perspective, release some stuff, meet some new folks, and just have a grand ole time!  I can’t wait. 

So since I’m so excited, I don’t really have anything pressing on my mind.  I haven’t really been over thinking lately, as I’ve been too busy staying present in the moment and enjoying myself.  However, there are just some things that always stay on my mind.  As Arsenio Hall used to say, there are just some things that make me go hmmm….  I don’t really have an answer to them, some of them are things that make my ass itch, others are just casual observations, and some of them are just the result of me over thinking a wee bit too much.  But here’s a list of questions that swirl around my mind from time to time.

1.     Why are people so threatened/afraid/hurt by the truth?
2.     Why do people love comparing everything? (Who’s the best singer? Who’s prettier?  Who’s the richest?  Why can’t you be like____?)
3.     Why do people fear falling in every instance, except in love? Falling is considered to be a thing to avoid, except in Love. Why do you want to fall in love? Don’t you just want to consciously choose to walk into it?
4.     In the movies, why are the bottoms of white people’s feet so damn dirty? (that has bothered me for quite a while)
5.     Who decided that green would be the color of envy?
6.     Why do men like sending pictures of their peen to women they barely know?
7.     Why is it so easy for people to mistreat the ones who truly love them?
8.     How is it that some women still believe a baby will keep a man?
9.     In the movie Friday, why did Craig and Smokey scramble for $200?  Smokey had $100 so all they needed was another $100.  And while I’m at it, why didn’t Craig have any money?  He’d just gotten his paycheck the day before, and he lived with his parents, didn’t appear to have a vehicle, so what bills did he have?  (I know I was over thinking on that one, but that’s bothered me since I first saw it.  If I ever meet DJ Pooh or Ice Cube, I’m asking that one)
10. Speaking of movies, whatever happened to Bobby, who was the original lead singer of the Five Heartbeats? (First thing I’ll ask Robert Townsend if/when I meet him)
11. Why does fear seem to be a stronger motivator than Love?
12. Why isn’t common sense so common?
13. In Scooby Doo, why were Shaggy and Scooby always so scared?  Seriously, they solved a mystery every episode and saw that it was always a mere mortal just trying to scare people so why were they always acting as if they didn’t know this?  (Yeah, that one is another over thinker!)
14. Why is it so hard for people to simply agree to disagree?
15. Why do hurt people hurt people?  I mean, if you know what it feels like, why do you want to inflict that pain on someone else?
16. In Love Jones, how could Nina possibly think it was a good idea to go out with Darius’ friend, Wood?  Seriously, when is it ever a good idea to go out with your man’s friend?
17. Why is it so damn funny to witness someone falling?
18. Will people ever realize that it doesn’t really take that much to be happy?
19. Why don’t some family members of the contestants on American Idol tell these people that they can’t sing?
20. Why do people love to act as if they can speak for God by telling you what God likes/doesn't like?  And why do they feel the need to say what the Bible says when they know good and well that they haven't cracked that book open and if they have, they haven't bothered to actually study it (and by study I mean to take into account language and cultural implications)?  
21. And why, why, why won’t these boys pull their pants up?!  How is it even comfortable to walk with your pants at your knees?!  Seriously!!

So there you have it.  These are just some of the thoughts that swirl around my mind from time to time.  And please understand that when I say people I am not speaking of everyone.  I just mean the folks it applies to.  So as my Daddy used to say, "If it don't apply, let it fly."  If you have any theories or answers, feel free to share them. I’d actually quite enjoy that.  And do you have any random questions that swirl around your mind from time to time.  If so, what are they?  Inquiring minds wouldn’t mind knowing at all.  I’ll let you know about my Lifeclass experience tomorrow. 


  1. LOL @ some of these questions.

    let me see if i can take a stab at a few
    Why are people so threatened/afraid/hurt by the truth?
    -its sometimes not the truth, but how and when it's delivered that can be hurtful.

    Why do people fear falling in every instance, except in love? Falling is considered to be a thing to avoid, except in Love. Why do you want to fall in love? Don’t you just want to consciously choose to walk into it?
    -that's a good ass question. need to ponder this some more.

    In the movies, why are the bottoms of white people’s feet so damn dirty? (that has bothered me for quite a while)
    -cuz they aren't wearing socks?

    Why do men like sending pictures of their peen to women they barely know?
    -shock value

    Why is it so easy for people to mistreat the ones who truly love them?
    -familiarity breeds contempt.

    How is it that some women still believe a baby will keep a man?
    -there are women that think this?? WDDDA??

    Why does fear seem to be a stronger motivator than Love?
    -love IS fear. ;)

    Why isn’t common sense so common?
    -lack of parenting.

    Why is it so hard for people to simply agree to disagree?
    -everyone wants to be right!!!

    In Love Jones, how could Nina possibly think it was a good idea to go out with Darius’ friend, Wood? Seriously, when is it ever a good idea to go out with your man’s friend?
    -hurt will make you do silly things. and the answer to part two is NEVER. ever.

    Will people ever realize that it doesn’t really take that much to be happy?
    -when they lose everything.

    Why don’t some family members of the contestants on American Idol tell these people that they can’t sing?
    -see your question #1

    Why do people love to act as if they can speak for God by telling you what God likes/doesn't like? And why do they feel the need to say what the Bible says when they know good and well that they haven't cracked that book open and if they have, they haven't bothered to actually study it (and by study I mean to take into account language and cultural implications)?
    -dont even get me started on this!!!! using the word of God as the basis of your argument, is soo beyond futile and silly. People do it because it should be the final word, but know that it isn't.

    that's all i gots! lol.

  2. Yeah I even have to LOL at some of them myself. Thanks for responding! Let's see,

    Why are people so threatened/afraid/hurt by the truth?
    -its sometimes not the truth, but how and when it's delivered that can be hurtful.
    I agree with this statement. However, there are some people who are simply bothered by the truth, regardless of the delivery. I'm related to some of them. You can smile and say the truth as sweetly as apple pie, and they are still bothered. I think people are afraid to admit that some things they've built their foundations on may not be true. To face that would mean they have to change and folks just don't like change.

    In the movies, why are the bottoms of white people’s feet so damn dirty? (that has bothered me for quite a while)
    -cuz they aren't wearing socks?
    LOL!But for real, they're feet are literally BLACK!!! I mean where are they walking!

    How is it that some women still believe a baby will keep a man?
    -there are women that think this?? WDDDA??
    Sadly, yes. They still exist and all I can do is SMDH.

    Why does fear seem to be a stronger motivator than Love?
    -love IS fear. ;)
    Now this one I have to respectfully agree to disagree. Love and fear are opposites. Where there is fear, there is no love.

    Why isn’t common sense so common?
    -lack of parenting.
    Now I'm not so sure I can agree with this one either. I think we give parents way too much credit on both ends. If a child grows up to be well and successful, we say it's because of the parents. If the child goes astray, it's the parents fault. While I admit parents are very influential, ultimately, they cannot control their children. I have learned this first hand from becoming a parent. I was simply a vessel which brought forth another human being who was born knowing everything she needed to know. Now I am a teacher, and the best teachers know that they don't really put anything in, but draw things out. Ultimately, children decide for themselves who they want to be--whether it's what they think their parents want or something of their own making.

    Why is it so hard for people to simply agree to disagree?
    -everyone wants to be right!!!
    Now THAT'S the TRUTH!!

    Will people ever realize that it doesn’t really take that much to be happy?
    -when they lose everything.
    Another good one!

    Why do people love to act as if they can speak for God by telling you what God likes/doesn't like? And why do they feel the need to say what the Bible says when they know good and well that they haven't cracked that book open and if they have, they haven't bothered to actually study it (and by study I mean to take into account language and cultural implications)?
    -dont even get me started on this!!!! using the word of God as the basis of your argument, is soo beyond futile and silly. People do it because it should be the final word, but know that it isn't.

    Good answers! I might have to look you up for more of my pondered thoughts : )
